The Gaia hypothesis originated with James Lovelock, a NASA scientist working to detect life on Mars. Although Mars turned out to be a dead or comatose planet, Lovelock posited his research showed Earth itself to be a living organism. Gaia, a name suggested by his novelist neighbor, was a Greek Goddess who personified Earth in Greek mythology. Rupert Sheldrake pioneered the next step, theorizing the sun, galaxies, universe and beyond were not mechanistic, but also living entities.

Gaia Hypothesis

Science Set Free

Universal Mind

Into the Heart of Lightness

Please Note: This website has borrowed, under fair use, excellent economic and other concepts from the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) and others. Neither CESJ nor those in the videos are currently in any way affiliated with this particular idea of a Spiritual Omnipresence Universalizing Living Systems (SOULS).
Life is comprised of nested hierarchies, from the sub-quark, to atoms, molecules, species, individual, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe and beyond. It is irrational to think that life coincidentally ends at the limit of human cognition; especially given our previous belief in a flat earth, and later, a single galaxy, when that was all we could observe. Pattern recognition is the cognitive tool to discern the most probable for phenomena we cannot fully observe. Mainstream evolutionary biologists have rejected the hopeless reductionism of the selfish gene theory, and given prominence to multi-level selection through the nested hierarchies of life; but inexplicably stopped cold at the level of the ecosystem.

The ultimate or infinite source of all creation drives universal values such as Truth, Beauty, Love, Justice and Morality, which represent the highest ends of human actions. Many people call this Source, God. Organized religions sprang up to imperfectly codify higher values and provide metaphors on God and God's creations, such as the genesis of Gaia.

Nothing should stand between God and the human person. Nor should anything stand in the way of proper stewardship of our dominion over life on earth or the respect and defense of our home planet.

There is a hierarchy of human work: The lowest but most urgent form of work is for sheer personal survival. The highest form of work is perfecting the social order to elevate each person in his or her relationship to the Creator and to look after our Mother Earth.

The technology now exists to free people from wage slavery, to enjoy true freedom, and if they so choose, to engage in higher forms of work more extensively. Not under an elite controlled Universal Basic Income (UBI), but instead, through an Individually controlled Universal Basic Ownership (UBO). A guaranteed income will backstop the UBO, to ensure poverty in the midst of plenty is eliminated. Because institutional change has been delayed for so long, the guaranteed income would be significant at first.

A UBO incorporates a design worked on for decades by lawyers, economists and others (with the Employee Stock Ownership Program a successful prototype), to craft a sustainable path forward; one which avoids the known problems inherent in a concentration of power, and can handle the information processing requirements of the future.

Humanity and Age Changes

Institutional changes are at the heart of successful age changes. As the agricultural age gave way to the industrial age, political institutions changed from feudalistic aristocracies to somewhat representative democracies. Economic institutions went from primarily barter and self-produced consumption to widespread capitalism and communism. Social institutional changes included extended families giving way to nuclear families and massive migration to urban centers. With fits and starts, the dramatic institutional changes worked in tandem with the emerging technologies of the time to lift civilizations both materially and morally. Because institutional changes were largely stillborn in the digital age, many facets of society degraded, even as new technology made more possible.

The Just Third Way

Capital Credit: A New Right of Citizenship

Most people live from paycheck to paycheck . . . or from hand to mouth. The answer to how citizens without adequate savings can acquire an income-producing property stake lies in the intelligent use of credit-specifically, productive credit.

Credit is a social creation. It can only exist in a society organized to protect contracts and property rights. A central premise of CESJ is that productive or capital credit is a “common good.” Equal access to this good is a fundamental human right and the social key for enabling have-nots to become haves.

One powerful ownership-expanding technique that is already in the law of the United States and other countries is known as the employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). The ESOP provides widespread and systematic access to capital credit to each employee in a participating company. A “JBMSM ESOP” can be designed so that employees gain both a voice in corporate governance and a source of ownership financing which does not reduce their paychecks or savings.

Traditional sources of capital funding treat loans to ESOPs the same as other corporate loans. An ESOP loan is based on the company’s credit, with repayment expected wholly out of future profits of the company.

Beyond the ESOP are other credit-diffusing tools which would open up ownership and profit sharing opportunities for every man, woman and child — including consumers of public utilities, residents of new or redeveloped communities, teachers and other public servants, farm families, homemakers, the disabled, professionals, frustrated entrepreneurs, and citizens generally.

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Knowledge Age Accounting

In addition to ending poverty in the midst of plenty, while avoiding the pitfalls inherent in concentrated power, Binary Economics requires a new measurement system. The current GDP inanely measures a murder and a marriage to have equal value if the same funds flow. Instead, the symbol of money should represent the realities of resource based and social accounting. At root, it would be scientifically grounded in the concept of energy applied to spacetime negentropically. Energy is defined here as power flows converted from such things as oil, gas, hydro, nuclear, sun, wind and future sources. Materials, like metal and wood, are forms of stored energy. Spacetime is simply that, space and time, a farmer's field over a growing season in simplest terms. Negentropy means the opposite of entropy, the destruction that is often counted as added wealth by the logically insane GDP measurement. This is where the knowledge of the Knowledge Age becomes preeminent. For another simple example, to efficiently apply the flows and stores of energy, diesel and combine, over the space of a field, in a growing season, a farmer requires knowledge, both from their own experience and from the experience and research of others.
Our Global Justice Movement
Are you tired of the status quo in economics and politics? Do you believe that every individual deserves a fair shot at ownership and prosperity? Join our movement for Universal Basic Ownership (UBO) and help us create a just and sustainable future for all. We believe in empowering individuals to own productive assets and share in the wealth they create. A Negative Income Tax (NIT) will backstop your investments to ensure poverty in the midst of plenty is eliminated, even while costing the taxpayer less overall.

Our environment can truly become a priority once the scarcity mindset imposed by our current monetary system is consigned to the history books. Compounding interest and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measurement system are other relics of an obsolete age. GDP measures money flows only. If a person earning $45,000 a year goes to jail and the incarceration costs $50,000 a year, then the GDP will consider that ‘growth’. The nation will be deemed wealthier. Strange but true.

It’s time for a new Knowledge Age. Together, we can build a world where everyone has an ownership stake in the economy, freedom from drudgery, a voice in the government, freedom of expression and a healthy environment. Join us today and be a part of a movement that is changing the world for the better. Whatever is physically possible is politically and financially possible. The rest is superstition.